My Quadre-foil Nail Art for Fall

My Quadre-foil Nail Art for Fall

Brace yourselves, Fall nail arts are coming!lol.

Though we don't really experience fall because we live in a tropical country, I'd like to do my nail arts according to seasons. Why? Because it's fun! :) 

So this design was inspired by,yes, a carpet. This pattern is commonly popular in Hotels.

Nail Polishes from the America's Sweetheart Blackbox by +Cult Cosmetics 

I think they were the perfect colors for this design! A very warm, berry hue and a highly pigmented metallic which just goes well with any color!

I really had a great trouble for finding the perfect spot for capturing a photo, because it turned out to be maroon-ish with the usual spot I have for taking photos with my nail arts and the patterns just won't "pop". Good thing the raining stopped and I had the chance to go outside and click away!


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